Wednesday, February 8, 2012

drive into work

I go through phases on what I listen to when driving into work. I'll go through a "I am an intellectual, I will listen to NPR" phase, or the cheesy KISS FM radio DJ phase, but if it's music, it actually alters my mood and the entire day's outcome.
Case in point, today, I was listening to the Alt station which might as well just be "we only play music from the 90s" because current "alternative" music sucks station and Rage Against the Machine came on.

Holy crap, I cranked that so loud and rocked out to it. Now, yes I rocked out to it, but it really put me in an aggressive mood. To the point where I was punchy all day at work.

Normally, if I am to pick music to purposely listen to, I choose Bob Marley. It makes me remember that all the stress from the job is just that. Stress from my job. I need to take it easy man. Relax.
Maybe tomorrow I should listen to Pizzicato Five or something so I could be more cheerful...

we'll see. I've got a full hours drive to experiment. . .

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